Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Simpsons Movie - Jelly Donut

If The Simpsons television show was a box of assorted donuts, Seasons 1-3 would be the donut holes - tasty enough, but slight. Everything between Season 4 and Season 10 is delicious, warmly glazed, chocolate sprinkled and fillingly hilarious. Then it takes a turn. Season 10 and on is all crullers, stale bearclaw, and low fat muffins. The Simpsons Movie, on the other hand, is the lone jelly in the box. It's funny enough to make us nostalgic for the good ol' days, but stops just short of a masterpiece - which is enough to remind us about the subpar pastries we've been handed since 2002 or so. It's interesting that The Simpsons head chefs didn't aim for anything more than just a longer episode - much of the themes and conflicts in the movie are similiar to just about every episode ever. But there's no denying it - its just plain funny, especially in the delicious first act. The jelly center gets a little overpowering in the middle, as the chefs stretch for epic action scenes which make your fingers all sticky and drip on your shirt. But for any Simpsons fan who'd rather watch a classic repeat for the 3958259th time instead of a mediocre (at best) new episode - order up some coffee and a dozen of these.

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